Saturday, 2 August 2014

Disc Messages From Heaven(Aliens)

Disc Messages From Heaven 

Gray Extraterrestrial holding a disc

The message within the disk was deciphered using the standard 8 bit binary code known as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).  The cipher starts at the center of the disk and spirals outward counter-clockwise, this is also the same read pattern that a compact disc or DVD uses. 

Decoding message 

The Message Translated:

The empty spaces represent the binary number of ZERO and the blocks represent the binary number ONE.  Using this cipher we get the following message: 

"Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.
Much pain, but still time. Believe there is good out there.
We oppose deception. Conduit closing. 0x07" 
The binary code of 0x07 at the end of the message would produced a bell sound similar to that of an old typewriter / bell sound (Example: DING!).

Exact Construction: 

(A) Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.
(B) Much PAIN but still time.BELIEVE.
(C) There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION.
Conduit CLOSING (Ding!)

Is this a friendly message from benevolent beings?

The message sounds friendly enough and it's just what we want to hear. But personally, I'm almost certain that this is a deception, and you will see why. Those who study or already are in contact with extraterrestrials (or other benevolent beings), know that our Government collaborates with a malevolent specie of grays which we know as Zeta Reticulans or Reticulans (they inhabit a binary solar system known as Zeta Reticuli).

The Reticulans and the Alpha Draconians (commonly known as Reptilians) have been in contact with our Governments for ages. The Reticulans are responsible for all the abductions and mutilations (both human and animal), while the Reptilians are those behind our leaders. They are using our Governments to control and enslave our species.

If you are familiar with my work, you know that almost all my history lessons are connected to the Reptilians and their control over the human species. There are also two prominent constellations mentioned by our ancestors, and most of the times they are connected to the extraterrestrial "gods": The Pleiades and Orion's Belt. Even more interesting, the Illuminati are literally obsessed with these two constellations and what they represent.

Few years ago an ancient painting was found in a cave in Uzbekistan

A flying disc is clearly noticeable and bellow it an extraterrestrial being. The ET walks on a black & white floor, one of the most prominent Illuminati signs. In the foreground we can see an astronaut with broken helmet (or some kind of beast?). The astronaut/beast is holding a similar disc in his left hand. Maybe the painter had a vision about the upcoming events? Is the cave painting presenting an apocalyptic scenario? 

If the character in the foreground is an astronaut with a broken helmet, then his head is being sucked out through the hole. May this represent a planet without an atmosphere? The ET in the background also seems to be wearing some kind of helmet.

We can also see sings of destruction and a large planet in the sky (about three times bigger than the Sun).

Only time will tell the truth. In the meanwhile, please be careful what you believe!
Stay balanced and loving and you will always find the true path.

Alexander Light,;

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