Wednesday, 10 December 2014

10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs found in Chhattisgarh, INDIA

Archaeologists in India have discovered 10,000-year-old rock paintings that appear to depict extraterrestrial visitors and UFOs that once landed on earth. We’re not saying it was aliens, but it was definitely aliens.

The Times of India carried the story this week from Charama in the state of Chhattisgarh, where archaeologist JR Bhagat pointed out that ancient cave paintings appear to show representations of extraterrestrial visitors.

“The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers,” Bhagat told the Times. “Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.”

According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings depict extraterrestrials. The Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek the help of NASA and ISRO for research regarding the paintings.

“The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject. The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. The nose and mouth are missing, and in a few pictures they are even shown wearing spacesuits. We can’t refuse the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things.” – JR Bhagat

According to the times of India:
“There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about “rohela people” -the small sized ones -who used to land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons in the  village who never returned.”
Antiquity is filled with stories of beings, materials and flying objects that, according to modern day thinking, should not have existed. For anybody who has studied ancient mythology, they would know that a large amount of evidence exists today to turn those ‘mythical stories,’ (as we interpret them) into stories of a possible ancient reality.

More Ancient Art

Ancient cave paintings depicting possible UFOs and extraterrestrials have been found all over the globe. This one (one of the earliest known forms of human art) is from the French cave of Pech Merle. In the paintings within this cave there are several objects that resemble flying saucers. The paintings here are approximately 20,000 years old, and of course we can never really know what the true meaning of the painting is, but it is interesting nonetheless.

This is a cave painting found in Kimberley, Australia. They were painted by the native Aborigines approximately 5,000 years ago. These are depictions of what they called Wandijina, or sky beings. In their tradition these beings were part of the beginning of creation, and had great power of nature. The first thing I took from this were the large heads, a common theme among today’s purported extraterrestrial visitations.

 There are paintings like this all over the world. Just like there are many ancient pyramids built all over the world by different civilizations at different times that had no contact with each other, these cave paintings share the same anomaly. These are petroglyphs discovered in Utah, in the Barrier Canyon, which depict a number of tall beings with similar shaped heads as to the ones in Australia. There are also similar beings painted on rocks in Utah’s Sego Canyon.

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