Saturday 26 July 2014

Aryan UFOs and Antarctic Bases

Aryan UFOs and Antarctic Bases

Much has been said about the “UFO” developments of the Third Reich; however, some important questions still remain. Were the Germans actually successful with these developments or not? According to some sources, an UFO crashed near the city of Freiburg in 1936. The UFO was found, and it’s likely that German scientists with the assistance of the Schutzstaffel (SS) managed to repair and even test the UFO’s energy system and propulsion systems.

How ever, all attempts to reproduce the alien technology faied. That is why there was only one variant of the flying apparatus. Representatives of three occult societies, “Thule”, 'Vril” and “Ahnenerbe”, ran those projects. 
For five years, the Germans carried out work for the creation of a secret project code-named “Base-211,” This has been determined by several independent experts. By the end of WWII, the Germans already had nine scientific enterprises where “flying disk” projects were tested. Many scientists are positive that at least one of these Third Reich enterprises was transferred to the Antarctic.
Famous researchers of the Third Reich’s Antarctic mysteries, R. Vesko, V. Terzisky, and D. Childress, claim that from 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, prominent scientists, pilots, politicians with their families, and members of the Hitlerjugend were taken to the South Pole via submarine. Some scientists believe that a German base still remains in the Antarctic. Moreover, it is even said that there is an underground Aryan city called New Berlin, which has a population of two million people.
It is claimed that population of this city researches genetic engineering and space technology. UFOs have been witnessed several times near the South Pole, which is an indirect confirmation of the base’s existence there. In 1976, with the help of the latest technology, the Japanese managed to detect nineteen round objects at the same time; the objects dived from space to the Antarctic and disappeared from the radar screens.
In 1998 Angel Alcazar de Velasco was interviewed at his home near Madrid. He was then 90 years old; he died in 2001. Mr. Velasco was a member of the most pro-German section of the 'Falange' (Spanish right-wing political movement of the 30s and 40s) and he spied for Germany and Japan during the war. From Mexico he organised and controlled two spy rings that operated in the USA for some time. One of them was directed against the Manhattan-Project
He was asked about the German nuclear research during WW-II (this research was far more advanced indeed than it is usually admitted today) and talked about this topic, but at a certain moment he commented that the jets and the rockets were certainly NOT the most advanced flying machines developed in Germany in those years.
He told that:
(1) The Germans had developed round flying machines ('Flugscheiben').
About the Führer, Velasco said only that Hitler did NOT die in May 1945 in Berlin, but by the end of the 50s, and is now buried in the German base at the South Pole.
Mr. Velasco declared also he had been several times personally in the South Polar base and also in some of the bases in South America (for instance in the Fireland -Tierra del Fuego- area).
I consider this a garbled account about the Third Reich's best-kept secret weapons research and development: Circular flying craft, commonly called UFOs. The article gives one an insight into the state of the mind of at least a segment of the Russian reading public, when one sees newspaper stories of this type, which mix pure speculation, propaganda tales of World War II and weird, far-fetched occult themes with the serious side of cutting edge technology. There is also the usual misspelling of names, incomplete titles etc., and one wonders what original sources the authors consulted for this rather incredible tale.
Nonetheless, the goofy essay merits comment.
I believe I can claim at least some familiarity with the UFO topic, having authored and published some small booklets on Nazi UFOs in the late '60s and early '70s - before I was forced by Germany's enemies to tackle the hoary and fraudulent "Holocaust" claims , which put an end to my youthful fascination and explorations of the esoteric. This political derailing of my life caused me to become a serious activist and made me dedicate my life to the clearing of my people's and country's reputation by debunking an untrue accusation. Had my enemies left me alone, who knows what flights of fancy might I have endulged in instead? :)
Seriously: I personally corresponded with and interviewed some of the German UFO researchers in the 1960s still alive then, including Rudolf Lusar, post-war Germany's most famous author on German secret weapons in World War II. Nobody ever told me about a secret project code-named "Base 211", although some, who were aircraft engineers - one attached to Hermann Göring's Reichs-Luftfahrtministerium, was personally present when one of those circular crafts, being tethered to a concrete floor of a large aircraft hangar and propulsion-tested in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, broke its moorings and shot through the ceiling, damaging it and the aircraft severely. I can say with certainty that advanced research, production and flight testing were definitely going on during World War II of these circular flying craft, some which could reach incredible heights very quickly and obtain high speeds in horizontal flight - well in excess of the speed of sound. 
Some of the sanest descriptions of German secret weapons can be found in the bestselling books of Lusar, who was an aircraft engineer and whose books went through several printings in the 1950s and 1960s. The German title was Deutsche Geheimwaffen des II. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung."(German Secret Weapons And Their Continuing Development) At least one English translation was published in London at the time.

In a similar vein, the American Air Force's Air Technical Intelligence Chief, a general named Simon, published a hardcover book about Nazi Secret Weapons he and his team had inspected and tested in the 1960s with a small publishing house called WE Inc., based in Connecticut. It is full of astonishing photos and rich in technical details. When I spoke to the publisher, who had ordered some of the UFO books published by me, he said: "Very interesting, Zündel, but you have only scratched the surface!"
One more very interesting source was a mass-circulation book published in England and America, titled Intercept But Don't Shoot!"by Renato Vesco, who is alleged to have been Benito Mussolini's Air Technical Intelligence Chief during World War II. Vesco lists an incredible number of sources, among them whole sets of declassified British intelligence and engineering assessments of German research projects, including weird alloys, completely new metals and Rube Goldberg-like contraptions, all tried and tested by the Germans. In the 1970s, it was obtainable from the Queen's Printer in London.
In the 1970s, a film documentary appeared about the German Antarctica expedition on prime time German TV, which included filmed interviews of some of the actual participants of that expedition. This expedition team surveyed and mapped large areas and took soil, water and ice samples. It charted the Antarctic waters and air currents. It left behind hundreds of Swastika flags driven into the Antarctic snow and more hundreds of flags air-dropped to lay proper explorers' rights of possession to that terrain. All of this is documented in the above mentioned book. This expedition claimed officially for Germany a clearly defined geographic area of the Antarctic Continent and named warm water lakes and mountain ranges they discovered you can read about and find on any map put out by the National Geographic Society, for instance. This claim is presently recorded in the Antarctica Gazetteer No. 14, available from the United States Board on Geographic Names.
There even exists a German Antarctic Foundation which, through its various chapters around the world, keeps alive Germany's rightful claim to the area, known as Neu-Schwabenland - and trust me, I had nothing to do with the selection of that name, even though I am a proud, full-blooded Swabian. I was born in 1939!
Thus, Germany is far larger than the chopped-up, politically truncated, demonically maligned little piece of real estate in the very heart of Europe the Allies left behind after their defeat of Hitler. Germany's Antarctic claim, never challenged, is three times the size of pre-World War II Germany. Many of its highest, Alp-like mountains as well as lakes and glaciers are named after those Nazi crew and expedition members.
One Japanese national TV program invited me to Princeton University in the middle 1990s where I was interviewed for hours and where some of my unpublished material was filmed. This television program was then enhanced with computer-generated, brilliantly done Nazi flying saucers, being shielded by icebergs at first, gracefully rising out from Antarctic ocean bases and glaciers. 

(2) These flying machines operated and still operate today from secret bases mainly in South America and the South Pole and are responsible for the modern UFO-sightings.
(3) There is no connection (and never has been) between any (supposed) extraterrestrial life form and the Flying Saucers.

For more information NAZI's UFO