Friday 11 July 2014

If God turned out to be an Alien would you still worship him?

If God turned out to be an Alien(s) would you still worship him (it)?
Here´s a hypothetical situation along the "ancient spaceman" theme. If it came about that some aliens turned up and proved somehow that they genetically engineered us, and all the stories in the old religious books was of them being worshiped.

Ok there´s a whole array of possibilitys, whether the aliens are carbon based like us or of an energetic nature. Or if they are not from a different galaxy but a different dimention.

Not only that seeing as it is claimed that God made the universe and all that, and he wasn´t born on the earth as it were he actually is an alien.

But you know what I´m getting at, where do you draw the line?

What would you worship and not worship.?


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